I'm a reasoanble driver in F1GP, OK at Indycar (much less practice), but
these cars are _very_ different (heavier, less acceleration and braking,
slower to react and less easy to catch when they slide...) - as are the
ovals. Do you need to use the gears a lot? What sort of revs/powerband
do people use? How much do the brakes get used. Should I brake for a
corner, get the car balanced, and then come on the power at the apex for
an ovals corner like I would on a track, or just ease off the throttle
and run through on a trailing or medium throttle. Or can the cars be set
up for full throttle through a corner?
At the moment, I can't seem to get the hang at all - I'm sliding and
understeering through the entrances and exits of corners, or loosing the
back end as I completely unsettle the balance of the cat when I use the
brakes. And for circuits like Martinsville and Phoenix, I'm needing the
top three gears - though Taledega is obviously flat 4th all the way.
Lots of advice would be appreciated on how to set up and drive these
heavy beasts.
Are there any "fast setups" available - I've nosed around
didnt.doit.wisc.edu and ftp.webcom.com/sabata/ but not found
anything.....have I missed them or are they elsewhere?
* RM 1.3 U0414 * One day, Son, this space will be filled by witty taglines.