I'm here to ask what's your fave new F1\CART racing game. I like
realsim, missing even the littlest things make it no fun for me. Also I
like editability. Here's my opinions about all the latest\future
F1\CART games.
So far I've heard that gp3 will run just like gp2 but with weather addon
and 3dfx possiabilities. I own gp2 and i love it. heres my opinions on
different topics.
Graphics: 6 (What you expect, its 3 years old!)
Controll: 9
Game Play: 8
Add-ons: 9.5 (I love this bit the most.)
Overall: 8.5
Played it about a year ago, it was the ICR2 version. Not to bad.
Graphics:6 (again its about 3 years old the one i played. i dont think
CARTracing was much better.)
Controll: 8
Game Play: 7 (not sure about the AI tho)
Add-ons: 8 (lots coming out now.)
Overall: 7.5
I owened this (notice the past particaple). All I'll say is dont let
the looks decieve you.
Graphics: 9 (frame rate was not the greatest)
Controll: 8 (took a while to get used to)
Game Play: 3 (AI Sucked the big one, Missing all the flags. cut as many
corners as you wish, cream cars as hard as you want.)
Add-ons: 6 (Track editor is nice. painting cars is a pain in the ass,
editing car #, driver names is rather hard, picky game.
Overall: 6
I wanted this, not no more. Reason, look at add-ons.
Graphics: 9 (very nice, could be that touch better, but couldnt
Controll: N\A (sorry, havnt tried it, nor have my friends. probably not
to bad.)
Game Play: N\A (again i dont know.)
Add-ons: 6 (change the tracks, change the tires, change the drivers,
change track graphics, but... cant change the tracks. This is what gets
me, the game will never change.
Overall: 7
Can't say some one review this for me please? All I'll say is the
graphics look good.