Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal


Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Woodie » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

>Precisely who would those mutants be, Mr. McCorkle?

>--David Karr

Thought that was obvious, people who need to duck to get through a doorway.
It's not a coincindence that most doorways are the same size, it's a
measurement tool set up by the Bureau of Standards.

Don McCorkle


Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Davi » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

Well unfortunately you are correct,  I should not have mentioned it since I
have read some other posts just now.  I guess I thought someone would
follow what I ment, not that I was for against registering anything.

Sorry to bring it up.


Chuck Kandle

Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Chuck Kandle » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

> >Although I don't own a gun, I'd fully support your right to blow away some
> >low-life who breaks into your home at night...

> The right to kill a burglar... you don't mean this seriously or do
> you?

You don't realize the mindset of many gun-toters here in the USA.  Yes,
to some, that is a *very real* opinion. And although I disagree heavily
with it, it's also a very common opinion over here.  :-(

A guy I work with, last year he heard a noise in the middle of the
night.  He thought someone was breaking into his house through the
ba***t.  He lives in one of these fancy communities where jaywalking
would make the headlines, so nothing bad happens there.  Anyway, he gets
out his gun & goes floor by floor, room by room clearing the place.
Turns out a piece of aluminum siding came loose at the top of the house
& was swaying in the breeze.  He also has 2 girls.  Lucky thing they
weren't doing something bad like sneaking in a boyfriend, or even
sneaking back in themselves after sneaking out for the night.  (I did
that one *many* times as a kid).  It would call for discipline sure, but
not a bullet in the head as would surely have happened had he actually
encountered a person unexpectedly in, say, the ba***t.

And that's how many tragedies can/do happen here in the US everyday.....

I love David Buttery's line elsewhere in this thread...."So it's in the
Constitution?  So was Prohibition"  That about sums it up.  If it's bad
law, it's bad law.  Get rid of it.  

Chuck Kandler  #70
K&S Racing

Competitor in the TopGear MGPRS2 league at:;Come on & join the fun!

They'll call you names
And spit in your face,
But legends never die.   --Gene Simmons


Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Davi » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

I will say it one more time and then be done with it.  I was talking about
the logic of it that is all.

I think Adolf Hitler put it best when he said we are now going to be the
safest nation of the world since we now have all the guns registered.

Also if you noticed thru Gearan article the sentiment is very close to the
same for racing with nonracing or noncar people.  They will go after racing
when they have finished taking guns and cigarettes away from people.  

Again Gualt I am sorry that I even brought this up since it seems no one
understood what I ment about the logic with the excpetion of people like


Andrew Turne

Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Andrew Turne » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

Hi David,

I'm not so sure Prohibition was in the constitution.

Anyway, if it weren't for Prohibition, we wouldn't have NASCAR.... :)


> So it's in
> teh Constitution? So was Prohibition.

Brett C. Camma

Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Brett C. Camma » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

I noticed he managed a mention on the NASCAR-oriented
and the sentiment was similar to what has been expressed here with the
addition that all of the major sponsors and "players" involved with
NASCAR are boycotting the paper with regards to advertising, press
releases, interviews, etc.  It was pretty gratifying to read...

Brett C. Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
Pompano Beach, FL

Chuck Kandle

Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Chuck Kandle » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

> I will say it one more time and then be done with it.  I was talking about
> the logic of it that is all.

> I think Adolf Hitler put it best when he said we are now going to be the
> safest nation of the world since we now have all the guns registered.

> Also if you noticed thru Gearan article the sentiment is very close to the
> same for racing with nonracing or noncar people.  They will go after racing
> when they have finished taking guns and cigarettes away from people.

> Again Gualt I am sorry that I even brought this up since it seems no one
> understood what I ment about the logic with the excpetion of people like
> you.

Sorry for contributing to this thing going off-topic as well.  I'll try
to steer it back on-topic if I can.  You are absolutely correct that the
same reasoning is being used, but there is one difference.  When it gets
to the point that, on average, 12 children a day die due to race cars,
*then* it may be time to reassess it's legitimacy.  Until then, it's not
nearly in the same league as the gun issue.

Chuck Kandler  #70
K&S Racing

Competitor in the TopGear MGPRS2 league at:  Come on & join the fun!

They'll call you names
And spit in your face,
But legends never die.   --Gene Simmons


Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Eldre » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00


>> >Although I don't own a gun, I'd fully support your right to blow away some
>> >low-life who breaks into your home at night...

>> The right to kill a burglar... you don't mean this seriously or do
>> you?

>You don't realize the mindset of many gun-toters here in the USA.  Yes,
>to some, that is a *very real* opinion. And although I disagree heavily
>with it, it's also a very common opinion over here.  :-(

First, I'm not a 'gun-toter'.  I don't even OWN one...

If you live alone, as I do, there should be no one else in your residence
without your permission.  If you have a family you obviously need to take
different precautions.

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Eldre » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

If someone breaks into your home, he's considered a danger to you and your
family's well-being.  At that point, he's given up any rights he may or may not
Would you rather he kills *you*?

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Just M

Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Just M » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

It was added in 1919- Prohibition was imposed by a Constitutional Amendment
(the 18th) but was then repealed by the 21st Amendment.  One might point out
that the 2nd Amendment was written by the Founders in the "Bill of Rights"
(1st ten amendments to the Constitution).  The writings of the founders (a
group of armed rebels) are quite clear that a free people must have the
means to resist a tyrannical government.  People forget that the ultimate
purpose of the 2nd Amendment isn't for hunting or even for self defense.

LOL! Yep.

Graeme Nas

Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by Graeme Nas » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

I notice you left out "Soccer".... good man :-)

Graeme Nash


Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by m.seer » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

> >Precisely who would those mutants be, Mr. McCorkle?

Yeah. Who are you refering to? The players or the audience?




Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by m.seer » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

Aha. You must be talking about the WWF

Worldwide Whinging Federation. An hour in the sublime company of labotomised
lard, vying for the title of chief motormouth, with a few minutes of steroid
induced ham acting in the ring. LOL, it might not be sport but it's the best
work of fiction I've seen on the box in years <G>


> On Thu, 18 May 2000 15:14:32 -0400, "daxe"

> >Make that three of us.  Don't forget to include on the list of wastes of
> >time:

> >Baseball
> >Football
> >Hockey
> >Tennis
> >Track and Field
> >Skiing
> >any "Xtreme" sport
> >and *_especially_* Golf.

> While I wouldnt put all of these on my list, some of them would be
> there.
> BUT, you forgot to add Wrestling. What a pure joke it is, it's
> pathetic to watch.

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Skotty Flynn
> "skotty20"

> Nascar-Racing-Sims.Com:

> The Ultimate Sim Racing Directory:

> Member of The Sports *** Network:


Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by m.seer » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

That figures.
Now I know why them balls curl away from where they were pitched?, rolled?,
chucked <G>



Mr. Gearan finally writes a rebuttal

by m.seer » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

Hehe. Tennis.

When I was a kid, I remember thinking that when the referee called duice,
that was the time when the players had to sit down to take a drink ;-)

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