for that particular reason.
hey- you register your car, why not your personal implement of death?
just out of curiosity, what is it about you gun lovers that makes you think
you should be able to decide who lives and who dies? are you that
omniscient? or have you not realized that life really isn't a
schwarzzeneger movie, and vigilantes don't actually exist....despite what so
many of you seem to think....
i think gearan's opinions are ridiculous; certainly not on the same level as
the sensible notion of the registration of firearms. your comparison gives
gearan far too much credit.
> Wath Teed me off was his lack in research on Auto Racing Period. This
> being the land of the free he has a right to his opinion, but if he is
> going to write about it it should be an informed opinion, not the
> misinformed garbage he wrote. Also Jeff (JEDD as he called him) Krosnoff
> should have been at least correctly noted. Most guys like him fire off
> something while being completely misinformed. Racing is dangerous,
> unfornately when somehting goes wrong in a race car it usually gones
> terribly wrong.
> His opinion hold about the same wieght as someone saying we need to
> register guns in the USA due to a child of 6 years old shooting another
> with a stolen gun.
> Dave
> > Here's the link:
> >
> > How hard can it be to write "I apologize to the Petty family for my
> > and unwarrented comments. However, my opinions on racing stand."
> > all he really had to write. He hasn't figured out that his opinion on
> > racing isn't what fired most people up, but his comments directed at the
> > Petty family and the way he did it is the issue. I mean, I think pro
> > basketball wastes 3 channels on my TV every night, so I simply choose to
> > ignore the sport. Can't he do the same for racing and leave it well
> enough
> > alone?
> > I'm through wasting time with this nut--I have some work to do so I can
> > participate in my "non-sport" this weekend.
> > Dave McCarson