Actually he's given them more of a shot then this canuck, with the
exception of LFS S2 most of the other tittles go like this for me:
Step 1) Ng or RSC posts: Just wait until Brand X is out, Brand X will
solve all the problems and fix every issue you've ever had about
Simracing, throw away everything else Brand X is it! The guys who
developed Brand X are the only programmers to have ever seen a race
long period of screen shots and demos, interjected with equal parts of
uninformed pro-Brand X hype and anti-Brand X fatwas.
Brand X is released.
Ng or RSC posts: Brand X is great, I've thrown away all my other
sims, the way the rear diff is modeled is a breaktrough. NO! Brand X
has fatal flaws, you have to rub your head and pat your stomach to
install it, and no way a 1971 GTO would react like that when it hit an
orange cone because my granddad hit one once and I've got photos to
prove the developers copied the code from a Commadore 64.
Brand X 1.1 patches come out, meanwhile rumours of Brand Y version 2
and Brand Z mod surfacing.
Ng or RSC posts: OK Brand X wasn't great but they've fixed it all
with 1.1 and now it's even better then great. You still have to pat
your head to install it and I won't do that. Forget Brand X, Brand
Z is what you should be running.
Visit to brand X website, maybe download a demo, see that it's
minimum requirements are beyond my current PC, I start planning my
Ask regular internet racing buddies: Yes I've installed it, it's
certainly interesting but either there's no tracks, or no online play
or no damage model, or something's odd when you rev between 4-6k.
Brand Z demo released.....
Return to step 1 and repeat.
Meanwhile I play the waiting game and play what works today with the
machine I've got and the guys I race with, they just happen to both
be Papy tittles. Neither are perfect but neither has been
definatively replaced either.