Has anyone heard of a kick off date for the papyrus nascar
racing network.
Has anyone heard of a kick off date for the papyrus nascar
racing network.
>>Has anyone heard of a kick off date for the papyrus nascar
>>racing network.
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
>I think the Papyrus Nascar Racing Network is Vapor HYPE.
: >
: >Has anyone heard of a kick off date for the papyrus nascar
: >racing network.
: >
: > Thanks,
: > Jim
: >
: I think the Papyrus Nascar Racing Network is Vapor HYPE.
I believe that Papyrus has not set a specific date for opening multi-player
but it should be out sometime during 96.
The only Vapor here appears to be grey matter.
Well thank you for that profound gem of wisdom.
What else is in your crystal ball, Nostradamous?
Apparently, BT are having chats with Papyrus about making it possible to play the games
across 'Wireplay'. Of course, this is probably a load of shit, and the only talking thats
going on is out of CTW's arse! [The source of this info]
Then again, perhaps not...
We can but hope !