For what it's worth, Thrustmaster has put up a segmant on their page
that says their force feback wheel, the motorsports GT, is "Coming
For what it's worth, Thrustmaster has put up a segmant on their page
that says their force feback wheel, the motorsports GT, is "Coming
whats the address?
FWIW, Thrustmaster probably won't release it until next Christmas...
I tried the unit out a couple weeks ago with X-Car, and asked when
the units will start shipping. The Thrustmaster reps said it may not
be 'til September at the earliest.
The unit differs from the T2 mainly in that it used motors (instead of
the bungy-spring) for its steering. Price should fall around $180 or so
in stores such as Best Buy, Comp-USA, etc.
Overall, it seemed to be a fine unit. We'll be doing a review probably in
May/June (most likely after E3 in Atlanta).
Best Regards,
Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing News - USA