I want to upgrade my system so I can enjoy N4 a bit more...
Right now I got a Celly 700 running at 873mhz, 384mb Ram and a V4500 card..
I've been looking at one of them nice AMD's and hope to go the distance
with a 1.3ghz T-Bird.. :-)
Is this a good time to upgrade - or should I wait abit more?
The "plan" would be to get a Abit KT7A m/b and the T-bird for now.. (as
well as a new case that is..) and then go for a GF2 GTS 64mb video card -
somewhere down the line....
Btw, while I'm at it... could someone tell me how much a fast HHD mean?
I.e right now I got an old 7gb drive - prob. ATA33 or Ultra DMA (I have
*no* idea what this means tho :-)
Also, whats the story on memory... should I keep my PC133's or go for DDR
(and why?)
Help, advice, money - all received with great happiness! :-)