Hi all, these are the frame rates I suppose to be the best according
to my configuration:
Circuits Frame Rates
- Interlagos: 18.2
- T1 Aida: 16.0
- Imola: 15.0
- Monte-Carlo: 14.2
- Barcelona: 18.2
- G. Villeneuve: 17.0
- Magny Cours: 19.6
- Silverstone: 19.6
- Hockenheim: 15.0
- Hungaroring: 16.0
- Spa: 15.0
- Monza: 15.0
- Estoril: 17.0
- Jerez: 17.0
- Suzuka: 17.0
- Adelaide: 16.0
Hardware: Pentium/133 - 16MB RAM (not EDO) - ATI Mach64 2MB VRAM.
GP2 Graphics Detail Level:
- 3D display type: SVGA.
- Display textures on: all except sky.
- Plot in mirrors: all except trackside objects.
- Texture in mirrors: none.
- Trackside objects: all.
Ernani Bretas
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil