Welcome :-) I get a funny feeling we'll still be reading posts like this
in a year's time.
That's a great idea, hadn't thought of suggesting people do that in the
Andrew McP
Welcome :-) I get a funny feeling we'll still be reading posts like this
in a year's time.
That's a great idea, hadn't thought of suggesting people do that in the
Andrew McP
>> I just got back into racing sims after playing a
>> friend's GPL setup. Hooked!
>Welcome :-) I get a funny feeling we'll still be reading posts like this
>in a year's time.
>> GPL AI Tweaker 1.03. At it's lowest levels it is like
>> having pilot cars out on track that I can shadow.
>That's a great idea, hadn't thought of suggesting people do that in the
| > I just got back into racing sims after playing a
| > friend's GPL setup. Hooked!
| Welcome :-) I get a funny feeling we'll still be reading posts like this
| in a year's time.
Where can we find this utility?
Me too, but the emphasis is definitely on *hope* at this stage.
Andrew McP
>Welcome :-) I get a funny feeling we'll still be reading posts like this
>in a year's time.
>> GPL AI Tweaker 1.03. At it's lowest levels it is like
>> having pilot cars out on track that I can shadow.
>That's a great idea, hadn't thought of suggesting people do that in the
>Andrew McP
Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends? Goto http://gpl.gamestats.com/vroc
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
Alison has a link to it at her site or you can get it directly here from the
Pits http://theuspits.com/owheel/gpl/files/AITw103.zip
>What I am doing is working my way up through the F3 to F1 cars. I get
>what I think is a pretty good set up then I go racing against the AI.
>The tool that I use is GPL AI Tweaker 1.03. At it's lowest levels it
>is like having pilot cars out on track that I can shadow. I practice
>drafting, and passing at low speeds. Even outbraking using trail
>braking or just going in deeper. I have been gradually notching up the
>opponents abilities and I've noticed it is making me better. Not only
>in traffic but in not being a slave to the racing line. My knuckles
>don't get white when I'm following so closely that I can see the ribs
>on the gear casings anymore. I can also set up my passes well in
>advance too.
>Replays and evaluations of "situations" are also helping as well. I'm
>beginning to develop that old situational awareness that I used to
>have in real world racing as well.
>Works for me. I think I found the link to AI Tweaker on Alison's page.
>It has been a great help to me.
GPL can seem a daunting at first, especially when moving on from
training to join the pack. The AI Tweaker is an invaluable way of
learning how to react and behave in a crowd.
Great stuff!
{ If you'd like to discuss this issue further, don't hesitate to contact me on ICQ, at 70300233 }