spending time painting cars, perfecting setups and learning the tracks.
Now I want to get down to business and run for the championship. First
stop Australia.
Overall I was impressed with the AI on this track. Except for one
glaring error almost all AI drivers make. This is the crazy dance they
do coming out of turns 3&4. If I follow too close coming through this
corner I get CLOBBERED by the car in front "dodging" from the right hand
side of the track all the way to the left side wall, followed by a duke
back to the right side wall. Now I think that Wallenbach would find
this type of move a violation of the rules and would have to end up
penalizing the entire field. As it is, this is an excellent weakness to
exploit. Just lay back a little and come through 3&4 lagging behind the
car in front. As the AI car does its little Cha Cha Cha, blast right on
by as it moves back to the right hand side of the track.
One really weird incident to report: Sitting in the pits when the car
in the stall in front comes in. Since I have a small steering wheel
lock (Formula T1 setup), it will be a tight squeeze getting out. 'Bout
ready to take off when I notice Gil screaming into pit lane. Watching
the rear view mirror I work my way out. All of a sudden I notice that
my car was hit, as I try to gather it back in I see no trace of a car in
front, to the side or to the rear. Since I have gathered it back in I
head on out of the pits. Good, I got out in front of the Jacques
(pitted in front of me). Wait a minute! Out of nowhere there is the
Pale Blue #27 on the course in front of me. Time to hit the pause
button and check the replay. I was hit by Jacques rear tire on my front
left, he was leaving his pit stall at the same time I was leaving. This
causes me to lose control and shoots Jacques into the right hand pit
wall. But the sneaky little bastard has some special switch in his car
and somehow goes through the wall and heads back out onto the track.
All the time driving "between" the pit wall and the left hand wall of
the track. Even driving through the Palm trees! He suddenly reappears
on the track and the end of the pit wall sailing off for turns 1 & 2.
I have a short replay for anyone who wants to see it.
Papyrus, can you send the AI drivers back to a "good" driving school and
teach them how to take turns 3 & 4. While you are at it, check out this
"weirdness" of a track between the pit wall and the front straight wall.
This may the clue to the unexplained bug/system crash which occurs
around the front straight on this course. It happened in ICR1 & is
happening in 2. I had numerous system crashes while trying to learn
this track. All happened between the start/finish and turns 1 & 2.
Sometimes coming out of the pits and high speed, just at the end of the
right hand pit wall.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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