I tried that indycrk.exe patch for v1.04, and now the modems
answer each other, negotiate, connect, and then hang up on each other and
try it all over again!!! we connected at 2400/ARQ, and then they hung up,
and dialed each other again?? does it do this because it has to connect
at a faster rate, and it bombs out if it connects that slow, or is there
still a bug??? *sigh* I 'wanna race!!! why doesn't it connect?? anyone
else get it to work?
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\\\//, _/ //, * Robert Hofer *
\ /// <//` * aka 'Harpoon' on ISCA *
/ >> \\\`__// * EE and music major *
/,)-^>> _\` \\\ * here at the University of Iowa *
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