> hi. I am a gtr2 ***. after playing many a game that left me
> dissatisfied, I finally stumbled on gtr2. I mainly love it for its
> awesome audio and exceLent driving physics. I feel like I can feel
> every road nuance thru my non ffb steering wheel.
> I heard that netkar's physics are even better. is this true? if so I
> would be hooked. I just love that feeling that I am driving a real race
> car.
> also, which has better physics? namie, or pro.
Netkar pro is better in pretty much all respects that I've tried (dunno
about the netcode, and I've heard rather bad things about it - it
wasn't too bad in Namie). I'd give the demo I go and see if it's your
thing. I don't think it's half bad, altho the fake track thing pretty
much removes my personal interest. The flight-sim style interactive
***pits are quite nice, I'm not sure why racing sims hadn't previously
attained that level of simulation detail.
As far as other sims go, if you like GTR2 as much as I do, GTL is worth
a try. Some of the cars a handful to drive because of the
power-to-grip ratio, but basically it's GTR2 with classic cars instead
of rain.