> Yesterday, I posted that the CPR patch upped my frame rates from 14 to 22.
> Well after playing, I decided I wasn't happy with that, as 22fps is noticeable
> to the *** eye and doesn' t allow you to run that "perfect lap".
> Well, tonight, I started the game, turned OFF my steering wheel graphic and
> "draw hills", and guess what? I'm absolutely FLYING. Over 35fps now. The
> average human eye can only see between 35-45fps, so suddenly I'm very happy
> with the game. With a full field on a race start (I started at the rear of
> the field), my fps never dropped below 25fps.
> Please, if you're having frame rate trouble still after patching, try turning
> off these two things I've listed. I certainly don't have a screamer system
> (P200), but I have a good video card (Velocity 128 PCI) and am hoping this
> will help other people!
> -- Mark
night (patch installled). On my system (P166, 32MB, Pure3D) I try to
run around 20 fps min (that's with most everything all the way on,
except hills and steering wheel graphic). I found the effect of some of
the graphics items to be:
graphics option fps change
hills 7
trackside objects 4
map inset 3
dashboard 3
everything in mirrors 3
clipping (from 15 to 18) 2
clipping (from 18 to 21) 2
clipping (from 21 to 24) 1
sky texture 1
other stuff < 1
What I learned from this was that a lot of things I had turned off
actually had a negligible effect on frame rate, so I was happy to
be able to turn them back on.