My single beef w/GPL track converter

Jan Koh

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by Jan Koh » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

> To get to the come the converted Ontario Motor Speedway (NL)
> and Toronto (ICR2/CART) have the -US- flag displayed on them!!! At least
> Vancouver was correct. Ontario isn't a state...yet! Hopefully, someone
> will give us new illustrations for these two. Any Canuk artists/drivers
> out there who might take this on? I would, but all my artistic talent is
> in my ears...8^)

I guess your geographical talent as well, eh?  ;]  Ontario is (was) in
somewhere south of the Canadian border...  ;]

Toronto, on the other hand...isn't.


??Jan Kohl??        **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL

Castle Graphics -
The Pits -

J. P. Hovercraf

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by J. P. Hovercraf » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Hi all,

To get to the come the converted Ontario Motor Speedway (NL)
and Toronto (ICR2/CART) have the -US- flag displayed on them!!! At least
Vancouver was correct. Ontario isn't a state...yet! Hopefully, someone
will give us new illustrations for these two. Any Canuk artists/drivers
out there who might take this on? I would, but all my artistic talent is
in my ears...8^)

J. P. Hovercraft

Matthew D. Sulliv

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by Matthew D. Sulliv » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Unless I'm daft, Ontario Motor Speedway is in or near Ontario,

-Matt S.


My single beef w/GPL track converter

by Backmarke » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

You're kidding right.  The Ontario Motorspeedway was a race track in
California's Inland Empire from about 1970 to 80 or 81.  It had a layout
almost identical to Indy.  It was also the home of one of the three tirple
crown events (indy, Pocono, and Ontario) for USAC champ cars (pre-CART).

David R.

J. P. Hovercraf

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by J. P. Hovercraf » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Hi all, (eyes averted, face reddening)

OK,OK,  in a flurry of misplaced nationalistic indignation, I've rushed to
put my foot in my mouth (keyboard?) up to at least the knee and embarassed
myself and Canadians everywhere...

Yes, Ontario Motor Speedway is in California...however, last time I looked,
at least Toronto was still in Ontario, Canada.

Guess I should change the subject line of the message to "My 1/2 a beef with
the track converter."

Apologies all around, but my request for a new page for Toronto stands.
Guess I'll go have a beer and some back bacon now, eh?

J. P. Hovercraft


> Hi all,

> To get to the come the converted Ontario Motor Speedway (NL)
> and Toronto (ICR2/CART) have the -US- flag displayed on them!!! At least
> Vancouver was correct. Ontario isn't a state...yet! Hopefully, someone
> will give us new illustrations for these two. Any Canuk artists/drivers
> out there who might take this on? I would, but all my artistic talent is
> in my ears...8^)

> J. P. Hovercraft

J. P. Hovercraf

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by J. P. Hovercraf » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00


Well, I hope I at least produced a chukle or two out there. My only excuse is
that my only exposure to NASCAR/CART/Indy racing is through this group. I got
NL/NASCAR 99/CART (and N3 one of these days) -only- to convert the tracks. I'm
a GPL/formula fan. Guess I should have had a read through the NL book as well.
Oh well, live and learn.

J. P.

> > To get to the come the converted Ontario Motor Speedway (NL)
> > and Toronto (ICR2/CART) have the -US- flag displayed on them!!! At least
> > Vancouver was correct. Ontario isn't a state...yet! Hopefully, someone
> > will give us new illustrations for these two. Any Canuk artists/drivers
> > out there who might take this on? I would, but all my artistic talent is
> > in my ears...8^)

> I guess your geographical talent as well, eh?  ;]  Ontario is (was) in
> California...
> somewhere south of the Canadian border...  ;]

> Toronto, on the other hand...isn't.

> Cheers!

> --
> ??Jan Kohl??        **The Pits Performance Team**
> Computer Systems Programmer
> USAF Air-Ground Operations School
> Hurlburt Field, FL

> Castle Graphics -
> The Pits -

Bruce Kennewel

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by Bruce Kennewel » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I'm an Aussie, which means my in-depth knowledge of North american racing
ovals is pretty limited but I'm sure the Ontario Speedway is actually
located in California, not Canada?!  Is that correct?  I have memories that
it was once referred to as "the Indianapolis of the West" or some such term.

Anyway ....I'm sure it is in the USA!

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.


My single beef w/GPL track converter

by Suppor » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Yes, I concur (see above) but Toronto...?

J. P. "Ontario" Hovercraft


> I'm an Aussie, which means my in-depth knowledge of North american racing
> ovals is pretty limited but I'm sure the Ontario Speedway is actually
> located in California, not Canada?!  Is that correct?  I have memories that
> it was once referred to as "the Indianapolis of the West" or some such term.

> Anyway ....I'm sure it is in the USA!

> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------

> > Hi all,

> > To get to the come the converted Ontario Motor Speedway (NL)
> > and Toronto (ICR2/CART) have the -US- flag displayed on them!!! At least
> > Vancouver was correct. Ontario isn't a state...yet! Hopefully, someone
> > will give us new illustrations for these two. Any Canuk artists/drivers
> > out there who might take this on? I would, but all my artistic talent is
> > in my ears...8^)

> > J. P. Hovercraft


My single beef w/GPL track converter

by Rikanthr » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

 To get to the come the converted Ontario Motor Speedway (NL)
Im sorry to inform yoo of this but the United States of America has invaded
your country, we now control all of Ontario, Toronto, Vancouver, and  the
Windsor bridge.
So allways carry American money, know the Pledge of Alligience by heart, and
look for the Stars and Stripes at a location near you!!

Rik Anthrax
"trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"
"Cato was right."

David Ewin

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by David Ewin » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

> Guess I'll go have a beer and some back bacon now, eh?

Take off, hoser!

Dave Ewing

David A. Ewing


Jim Alliso

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by Jim Alliso » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Can we at least keep our beer?!! Please don't make us drink
your beer! Please please please!!   :-)

don hodgdo

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by don hodgdo » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Why do you think we invaded? It's your beer technology we want!

"Getting hit by a meteorite is an accident...
  everything else is driver-error."

> Can we at least keep our beer?!! Please don't make us drink
> your beer! Please please please!!   :-)

> > To get to the come the converted Ontario Motor Speedway (NL)
> > > and Toronto (ICR2/CART) have the -US- flag displayed on them!!! At
> > > Vancouver was correct.

> > Im sorry to inform yoo of this but the United States of America has
> invaded
> > your country, we now control all of Ontario, Toronto, Vancouver, and
> > Windsor bridge.
> > So allways carry American money, know the Pledge of Alligience by heart,
> and
> > look for the Stars and Stripes at a location near you!!

> > Rik Anthrax

don hodgdo

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by don hodgdo » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

<sniff>....had many good times at that track.

"Getting hit by a meteorite is an accident...
  everything else is driver-error."

> Ontario (Motor) Speedway WAS located in Ontario California.

> > I'm an Aussie, which means my in-depth knowledge of North american
> > ovals is pretty limited but I'm sure the Ontario Speedway is actually
> > located in California, not Canada?!  Is that correct?  I have memories
> that
> > it was once referred to as "the Indianapolis of the West" or some such
> term.

> > Anyway ....I'm sure it is in the USA!

> > --
> > Regards,
> > Bruce Kennewell,
> > Canberra, Australia.

Bruce Kennewel

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by Bruce Kennewel » Sun, 02 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Oh, J.P., ....everyone down here knows that the Toronto track is located in
Toronto, a town near the N.S.W. city of Newcastle (north of Sydney)!

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> Yes, I concur (see above) but Toronto...?

> J. P. "Ontario" Hovercraft

> --------------------------------

> > I'm an Aussie, which means my in-depth knowledge of North american
> > ovals is pretty limited but I'm sure the Ontario Speedway is actually
> > located in California, not Canada?!  Is that correct?  I have memories
> > it was once referred to as "the Indianapolis of the West" or some such

> > Anyway ....I'm sure it is in the USA!

> > --
> > Regards,
> > Bruce Kennewell,
> > Canberra, Australia.
> > ---------------------------

> > > Hi all,

> > > To get to the come the converted Ontario Motor Speedway
> > > and Toronto (ICR2/CART) have the -US- flag displayed on them!!! At
> > > Vancouver was correct. Ontario isn't a state...yet! Hopefully, someone
> > > will give us new illustrations for these two. Any Canuk
> > > out there who might take this on? I would, but all my artistic talent
> > > in my ears...8^)

> > > J. P. Hovercraft

J. P. Hovercraf

My single beef w/GPL track converter

by J. P. Hovercraf » Sun, 02 Apr 2000 04:00:00


J. P.

> Can we at least keep our beer?!! Please don't make us drink
> your beer! Please please please!!   :-)

> > To get to the come the converted Ontario Motor Speedway (NL)
> > > and Toronto (ICR2/CART) have the -US- flag displayed on them!!! At least
> > > Vancouver was correct.

> > Im sorry to inform yoo of this but the United States of America has
> invaded
> > your country, we now control all of Ontario, Toronto, Vancouver, and  the
> > Windsor bridge.
> > So allways carry American money, know the Pledge of Alligience by heart,
> and
> > look for the Stars and Stripes at a location near you!!

> > Rik Anthrax
> >            -
> >      -
> > "trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"
> > "Cato was right." is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.