Well its about 10am here in the states and I just got off the
phone with Ubi and they said that they still havent recieved their
orders via UPS. The salesperson said that they should be expecting F1
towards the ladder part of the day. All of the the pre-ordered F1
software will be shipped 2nd day air to all that have pre-ordered F1
from UbiSoft is was told..
So heres what I'm wondering, how many people that are here
on r.a.s. OR 3dfx Discussion have actually pre-ordered their copys from
UbiSoft? Maybe it would be a good idea for EVERYONE that has, just post
here in this thread and say hi! It would be nice to know just exactly
how many people are out there that just read the group and are into F1
that never post. So, even if your a "surfer" here in this newsgroup, and
have a pre-order than just post and say "hello" ;)
Just a thought........................
Tony Gaylord - Portland, OR
Home of the C.A.R.T. Budweiser/GI Joes 200