I posted some of my gripes to UBI - uk site. I have to say I didn't
expect such a quick reply. Anyway here's what they said in reply to
the gripes which are repeated at the bottom of the posting.
********** Begin E-mail reply **********
Steve thanks for your comments, unfortunatley, you are partially right
about the early release, but it wasn`t the accounts it was FOCA, they
insisted that the game be out by the beginning of December as they
not allow us to sell the game in the new year under the exsisting
license, we are however trying for next years license.
As for the bugs, the replay in general is only software rendered at
moment, there should be a patch available shortly.
The naming issue: you can only rename the drivers in the custom
championship (again down to licensing issues, the Driver X is down to
Villenuerve not signing the general FOCA licensing agreement.
he has said that if anybody wishes to use his name they have to pay
as well as FOCA, and you can imagine the sums of money involved.
Hope this makes things clearer, we are taking note of everybodies
comments and if demand warrants it patches and upgrades will become
James Sutherland
Assistant Project Manager
Ubi Soft UK
** End their reply ******
***My original comments below ****
Sent: 23 November 1997 07:52
Subject: F1 Racing
Guess the accountants got to you in the end and you rushed it. I'd
like to take the opportunity to mention 3 bugs and my gripes.
Bug 1 Can't change name of Driver as per manual
Bug 2 No sound in Replay mode
Bug 3 Cars can be seen driving across the sky or you can have a
minutes of billboard action when choosing TV view in replay.
Gripes...well here's my list as posted to Usenet (including bug 1)
My comments may seem a bit petty but they do spoil the game for me..
1. The Pit stop. Its ugly, takes you out of the car and if you want
to change the fuel ratios or tyres you have to select these changes
while the clock ticks away. My first attempt took 53 seconds to tell
them to change the fuel load. I can now adjust my tyres and fuel in
about 15 seconds - not good. Drivers don't park in the pit stop and
say 'excuse me chappie, a little less fuel this time oh and by the
way, as its pissing down do be a good boy/girl and pass me the wet
tyres" That's sorted before they enter.
Perhaps putting the tinmer on hold unitl you make your choice would
be better.
2. Can't change the driver name. According to the manual you can but
it doesn't work for me. I now have a Driver X of no fixed abode on
the championship table and I can't glory in having my name up there :(
3. Loading a saved game. OK maybe its a bit of a cheat but I'm riding
the learning curve as much as the car and if I want to revert to a
save its abandon race, back to start, load game, listen to awful music
while the track you were just on loads again.
4. Can't switch that damn music off without affecting other sound
5. Same visual 'reward' when coming 1st 2nd or 3rd..
I like most the other elements of the game especially the handling
changes after clipping some grass or gravel and the race rules but
its amazing how the little gripes above spoil the experience.
**End of my comments ***
Steve W