I've played over IPX network with no problems. Only the machine set
to answer has to have the CD in it. The calling machine must select
or click on the track he wishes to play on, or the opponents name or
computer name, something like that. You should recognize it when you
see it. It took me awhile to figure it out at first. Good luck.
>Hey guyze,
>I just bought Nascar 2, after being hooked on nascar 1 for ages.
>I got two pentiums networked at home, but can't seem to get nascar to
>run multiplayer over IPX (other games play fine).
>Do I have to buy two copies of the games, so each machine has a CD in
>the drive, or is it supposed to be possible to play with a full
>installation and CD in one machine (like warcraft?).
>If not then thats a major BUG!!!, and I don't think SIERRA are being
>fair. I won't buy two copies of the game if one of them just sits in the
>cupboard most of the time.
>Other than that I think the game is mighty fine.