I'd suggest something along the lines of a Momo Racing wheel (I got one for
$69 awhile back) and Thomas 2-pedal for $125+USB adapter. The only thing
your missing is the shifter. Heck TSW has the Stock for $290 and it would
last nearly forever, minus FF though.
I tried a Force RS & shifter a few years back and was very unimpressed
with everything. I didn't like the force feedback. Strong, but
wasn't good at accurating simulating any effects at all compared to my
Logitech. And the plates that go over the shifter aren't secured well
enough, so they're easy to pop out. Don't know if they've changed
that since. The pedals had too much resistance to be much good to me.
IMHO, I would say put together your own setup and if you absolutely
want a shifter, then buy just that from AL. Keep in mind that you can
also upgrade as you need to, especially since you can use any
combination of controllers in NR2003.
Specifically on the 244.99 package. Can't afford ECCI and looking for
good or bad on this package. I mainly run NR2003 and am trying some TPTCC.
I bought the wheel at one point in time, did not like it and sent it back.
I do really like the pedals though
I just was referred this web site:
for some possible fixes to keep those pedal springs in check. There
are also some posts on racesimcentral and the AL web site about
placing tennis balls inside the pedal assembly to save the springs as
well. It sounds like these mods essentially eliminate the problems
with springs people reported in the past.
I just ordered a set of the AL Performance Pedals. It seems like
everyone who is willing to put up with the frequent fixes is very
happy with them. I'm sure the fixes will get old, but like i say, it
seems like people like the pedals.
I just was referred this web site:
for some possible fixes to keep those pedal springs in check. There
are also some posts on racesimcentral and the AL web site about
placing tennis balls inside the pedal assembly to save the springs as
well. It sounds like these mods essentially eliminate the problems
with springs people reported in the past.