I have searched long and hard and can't find it anywhere. It seems that
the only place in the world to get it was theuspits - and since they
have shut down, the file no longer seems to exist.
I also have not been able to get the Bathurst patch to work without it.
Can anyone out there please shed some light on these questions:
(1) Is it possible to get the Bathurst track working without the
touring car patch? If so, how? (I have tried importing the relevant
files into scene.mas using maspuce, then creating a new player and
using the all tracks cheat)
(2) If the Touring Car Patch is mandatory in order to get Bathurst
working, could someone please post a link to it, or put it on a
temporary ftp, or email it to me or something please? It seems that
while the Pits is out of action, they could hardly object to someone
onforwarding an unchanged version of this file.
Scott Caddaye
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