What would REALLY be cool is if you could tell your crew chief (with
voice command hardware/software) that the car is loose or tight in the
beginning/midddle/end of a turn and when you pull into the pits, he makes
the appropriate adjustments for you (a pound of air pressure in a given
tire, a wedge adjustment, a spoiler adjusment, or any combination
thereof). That would keep our hands off the keyboard and on the steering
wheel where they belong as we enter the pits.
Beyond that, the problems of which you speak are not necessarily the
fault of the sim as much as they are the fault of the verbal commander
software. If the verbal command software could process a series of
commands instead of single keystroke, we'd be a lot better off.
>Unless N3 has changed the keyboard methods for specifying tire
>changes and other adjustments, programs like Verbal Commander
>and Game Commander will be of limited use. I have Game
>Commander, and wanted to be able to say "Right side tires" to
>specify that I wanted only right sides changed, but the way
>N99 handles it, I had to set up separate commands that basically
>emulated the individual keystrokes ({Space} to rotate between
>tire selections, as I recall). I hope N3 will be more friendly
>to voice command software, but I'm betting it won't change much
>from N2/N99...
>> One of the things I'm looking forward to in N3 is being able
>> to use Roger Wilco or Battle Commander to talk back and forth
>> with "teammates" during races. If it works real well, it may
>> be time to s***the VC.
>> John Simmons wrote
>>> I suggest that everyone planning on racing N3 or NL online
>>> to seriously consider purchasing something like Verbal
>>> Commander.
Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (370+ cars and counting)
Internet Grand Prix Series Season 2
North American Stockcar Racing Online Competition
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