Well not an excellent experience, but not bad. Once we got rid of the asswipe
who felt a need to be a comedian, it got much better. Guys need to learn
patience on these longer races. A few thought they could win the race on the
first two laps. Yellows plagued us for the first 10 laps, but once things
settled down and the hotlappers crashed and left, it was ok. Geez I need a
kill button.
Five out of 19 drivers lasted the distance.
I am going to try this again next week and see how it goes. If I could send
just send out a private chat to the drivers in the race who have the good
driving and mental attitudes for such an endeavor, we could really have
> How did it go??
> Just curious :-)
> H-H
> > I am going to Host a full length Martinsville race after the real race
> > today. I am going to experiment with this for the rest of the season.
> > My goal is to create as real an atmosphere as we can for these races.
> > This means, Pace on, Yellows on, Damage Arcade, weather random. My
> > server is set up to handle 18 drivers, I currently use Cable
> > connection. Come on and join up and see if we can make this work. We
> > need safe conservative drivers, or the yellows will drive us all mad.
> > Anyway, look for my server on Won.Net under Rick Sweeney after the Marty
> > race today.
> > Thanks
> > Rick