can, with not a lot of success. After a year or so of GPL online, I've gotta
say I'm a little disappointed with the way N3 online is working. In GPL, I
can race inches away from the next guy, lap after lap, yet with N3, I often
find myself getting hit, hitting others, winding up inside their car, etc. I
also seem to get a lot of "clock zapped", "bad connection", type messages in
N3, thru So, to the questions......
1. What are alt-y and alt-e used for? I should also mention I am running
patch1202...the latest, so far....and the term "skew" ? I think I get
"dropped", that is lost packets. Are you able to gain any useful knowledge
from the alt-y report info? I'm currently connecting thru AT&T Worldnet with
a 56k dialup connection(at around 25kbps, usually the best conn I can get
here....The modem icon on my system tray says 115200 bps, but if I go to a
website where you can check your actual connection speed,'s usually
around 25K), and a Diamond Supra Max Modem(not a Winmodem).Other system
soundcard. My experience with GPL is severely biasing my opinion of N3,
after a couple of hours of trying to find a good race...good conn, clean
drivers...I cant wait to fire up Win Vroc and do some real racing...Don't
get me wrong, I'm a real Nascar lover, but right now nothing comes close to
GPL as far as the experience of racing online is concerned.
2. Why don't I get to use my car( the one I painted in N3) when online?
I understand that others would not see it unless it was in their carset, but
why can't I at least use it, instead of some generic 101-1?? numbered car? I
see my car in races, being used by other drivers. What gives?
3. I'm adding memory soon to my system, would I be advised to also pick
up a V3-2000 as well to replace my Thriller? Or would I suffer a degradation
of GPL performance, given my system specs? A new system is at least a year
or so off at this point, but I'll shell out a few bucks, if I can see a
performance gain in N3 online.
4. What is being displayed when I hit alt-f in N3? I'm used to GPL
showing me a single number for framerate, yet in N3 I see 2 numbers...??
I've adjusted the graphics options pretty low, to give the best framerate,
but usually the game is not what I'd call smooth at all, with rare
exceptions when online. Also, how do I check last raserizer used? I have it
set for d3d in the game, and chose d3d during install, but it looks like it
could be in software mode...***ugly.
I used to race N2 on Ten, with much better quality than I'm seeing on .....course, the price is better now<G>
Thanks in advance for any info or opinions you'd like to
share, and keep the shiny side up................Ed