Many cards will work in this configuration in N2.
If that doesn't work, check the sound card settings in the Windows Control
Panel, Device Manager, Resources tab. It will tell you the settings your
card is running on in your other apps.
This typically happens when you have a lot of Windows event sounds
playing. Go to the sounds part of the control panel, and set the
Scheme to "No Sounds". If Windows sounds are important to you, turn
off your event sounds one by one until you find the one that's doing
it. If you are running any speakerphone stuff in the background it can
do this too.
I GUARANTEE this will not happen if you run the program in DOS:)
"How can you run from a dead person, unless you're dead yourself?"
-Venus in Furs
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cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
>Many cards will work in this configuration in N2.
>If that doesn't work, check the sound card settings in the Windows Control
>Panel, Device Manager, Resources tab. It will tell you the settings your
>card is running on in your other apps.
>>I have n2 running great, however I can't get the sound to
>>work! I tried to set it up automaticly and it say's my sound
>>blaster 16 is in use by another application and when I do it
>>manually my computer crashes. I have a p-233 with win98 and
>>sb16 stero sound card. Sound works on all my other game's.
>>Please e-mail me personally if you have any sugg....
>>I have n2 running great, however I can't get the sound to
>>work! I tried to set it up automaticly and it say's my sound
>>blaster 16 is in use by another application and when I do it
>>manually my computer crashes. I have a p-233 with win98 and
>>sb16 stero sound card. Sound works on all my other game's.
>>Please e-mail me personally if you have any sugg....