| What the dope means is that, PSYGNOSIS with Destruction Derby 1 and 2,
| has perfected the way the car is damaged. I think that is one main
| problem in Nascar, the damage seems unrealistic. Also, in those
| games, the car physics seem exact, and the cars even look a bit
| realer.
It is ironic that Psygnosis' most recent development, Formula One for
the playstation, has virtually no crash simulation at all. It seems
Psygnosis decided to stick to car physics while driving, not crashing.
But it is definitely true that they know how to make cars crash- DD2
proves it.
| I'm not talking down to Papyrus, heavens no <g>, but i'm just making a
| suggestion.
Hey, I think Psygnosis' new Formula One for playstation and the new
NASCAR for playstation by Papyrus (sort of a hybrid of the old NASCAR
with a little NASCAR2 added) stand as the two best auto sims out at
the moment, at least on that platform. But they are apples and
oranges when compared to each other.
I hope NASCAR2, which looks amazing, comes out for playstation
relatively soon- now that I use the playstation, I find it hard to go
back to my 486dx4-100mhz, and even harder to spend $3000 for a new
computer! Playstation was only $200!