I have a problem with variable weather in F1RS. If it's raining in the
first session of the weekend (variable, humidity 53% for example) the
variable weather works only in one or two sessions. After that, the sky colour
changes but the amount of rain doesn't. Sometimes there's rain from
bright blue sky, too. This is the case when the weekend starts with
slight rain, for example 4 or 8%.
Then if the weather report says "variable, humidity 0%", the rain
doesn't work at all. If I'm driving on the track, the sky gets darker
and darker but the rain never starts. If I'm in accelerated time mode
when it should start raining, the game crashes, every single time and
reports that F1voo.exe caused an invalid page fault in module
Has anyone else had problems with variable weather or is it just on my
machine (P200, Monster3D, 40 MB RAM)? I've tried a larger swapfile,
re-installed the game a few times, even in D3D mode but nothing seems to