Oh man, that brings back memories...boot disks to run with as few drivers as
possible, often ditching the CD driver to open up as much of that 40MB of
RAM... the -h command line option...small fields to keep from cooking that
P90...cleaning or replacing the pots on that Thrustmaster T1 every so
often...'white adapter' or not...hehe...and now, my Celery 928MHz is on the
'slow' side, with almost as much RAM (320MB) as that box had hard drive
> >>LOL, it was originally intended for P166s and the like :)
> >>Don't think they would've even imagined 1.4ghz CPUs.
> >Well, it ran like SHIT on P166's...
> >Eldred
> hehe, didn't everything???
> Rafe Mc