high-frequency/multibody second-generation physics, true wheel hop...and....PS2 !?! Aacckk! Save all the goodies for us
veins-in-the-teeth sorts and our 2GHZ CPU's. Those console types just aren't worthy!
Great news on the better integrator; that darned hornball's behavior was just unacceptable, especially bouncing off deformed body
Back to work! ;-)
> (extremely late reply, probably going straight to the trash)
> Have you hacked into my computer or something? ;) Actually, I do have a
> high-frequency/multibody second-generation physics engine up and mostly
> running (still have to bring over a real drivetrain, and fix the "brake
> shudder" problem, but at least I finally have true wheel hop and a better
> integrator) on my home machine, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to
> integrate it into our real products... need to find some spare CPU cycles on
> the Playstation2 somewhere, and also find a few spare brain cycles otherwise
> occupied with optimizing DMA chains and that sort of nonsense.
> > Ahhh, Dave. Nothing like actual knowledge to stifle the fun we're having
> with ignorant speculation. But what the hey; put me down
> > for double-buffer mode; that zebra is MINE!
> > And by the way; shouldn't you be busying yourself with Runge-Kutta coding
> for MGI's new 600mhz physics engine? ;-)
> > SB
> > <snip>
> > Maybe we could bet on the different theories and raffle off a stuffed
> zebra or something.