I'm not sure if this is a problem with only the Hayes modem, but here
is the simplest init string there is which still connects 2 Hayes
288 DSVD modems at 19200 with a latency of .10 with no DSVD in the
modems.cfg file. It just seems to ignore whatever value I put into the
baud field and take the value in the setup screen. I set up several
tests and transferred the modems.cfg file to the calling computer to
ensure or speeds and settings would be the same.
BAUD 38400
No matter what I try I can't get by the 19200 barrier.
I'm still trying Charlie's suggestion of playing around with the init
string, but I still haven't landed on anything that allows decent
DSVD mode latency at 19200 baud or less.
Has anyone out there with a Hayes DSVD modem gotten it to work with
Nascar 2?
Thanks for the help Charlie, any other suggestions?
***led & downheartened,
>>I can't seem to get Nascar 2 to connect at a baud rate greater
>>than 19200. In Nascar 1 I used 38400 with my Hayes DSVD Accura
>>modem and everything worked great, voice and data. Now with nascar
>>2 at 19200 the latency is something like .24 and the field goes in
>>and out on the calling machine making it undrivable.
>>In the modems.cfg file it states you can enter baud rates to
>>38400, which I have, but back inside N2 it always only shows
>>19200 as the fastest rate.
>Barry - we set the max baud rate in the configuration screens to 19200 because
>a lot of machines have problems trying to establish connections *at all* at
>baud rates. We were getting a lot of reports from beta testing of machines
>that couldn't
>make connections, but it turned out that when they were limited to 19200
>they could
>connect fine.
>I'm pretty sure the workaround you described - manually editing your .cfg
>file to
>specify a higher baud rate - will work, if you feel you get better
>performance that
>way. I also suspect you could figure out a modem init string which will
>give you a
>better connection and lower latency with a 19.2K or 9600 serial port
>setting, if you
>work with the modem a bit. If you figure out a good combo for you Hayes
>DSVD modem,
>could you post it here so other users can benifit from your experience?
>Charlie Heath