at best regional markets. How many folks in the deep south of the States
watch F1? If Speedvision hadn't come along(which is only available in
probably 2/3rds of the US markets) I'd never have known about Touring cars,
Truck Racing(the big tractor rigs) We almost NEVERused to get coverage of
Motorcycle GP races...(still don't see enough outdoor motocross)
SCCA races..??? not a chance...I'm sure there are tons of folks on the
States side of the pond who have never heard of the great riders from the
Isle of Mann TT races or the famous hallowed sports car stars of the past.
Ask the average or even above average US fan to name the leaders in F3 or
FIA Sportscars...I don't think you will find too many sucessful answers.
So on behalf of my fellow YANKS and as ONE who sat through pouring
downpours at Portland Oregon while Cart Champcars zipped around the
roadcourse, I appologize for the impatience many of our fellow newsgroupers
Beleive me, in these days of limited TV windows for events to be
completed...I'm sure the Network Television folks would LOVE to see Nascar
events run in the rain, just to make sure the dang events got finished so
they could show more Golf. But at this point..with the closeness of the
walls and the speeds modern cars race at...oval rain racing would be a Dale
Earnhardt type tragedy every wet race.
Now, we need to educate you some on American Legends...anyone know of some
good sites our Euro neighbors could frequent to pick up some racing history
from our side of the Atlantic?
dave henrie
> >Wow, what a dumbass...If you actually knew what your talking about you'll
> >know that CART drivers run in the rain on road courses, but not at ovals
> >because that's way too dangerous. I recall the F1 drivers getting scared
> >that wall last year at the Indy F1 race when it wasn't raining.
> um.
> Thanks for the nice comments guys. I certainly *don't* claim to be a
> CART expert. I don't know the history of the sport and I certainly
> don't get to see enough of it. I've only recently invested in
> satellite TV and am now able to follow CART. Previously I got to see
> Cart races once a year or so on the other local sports channels.
> My questions have been answered and if it makes me look like a dumbass
> to you, thats fine by me.
> I've never seen a wet CART race although I have seen CART races
> cancelled due to weather. I can't honestly recall if it was an oval
> or just very bad weather on a street course or not.
> > I am amazed by the sheer scale of the event. 400 000 people, a month
> > of qualifying etc, but I think it is pretty much ignored by most
> > people outside the US. I can't think of more than 1 or 2 of my
> > friends who have ever watched it. Same goes for Le Mans, Daytona
> > 500, Isle of Man TT, RAC Rally, Bathhurst, or whatever you care to
> > mention.
> >>Pretty narrowminded...
> I was referring to my friends :) And when it comes to motor-racing, I
> guess that's true. Most of them are more interested in Rugby, Soccer
> or Cricket than *any* motorsport. I guess part of it is from a
> shortage of exposure to these sports. We only had TV from about 1977
> and decent overseas motorsports coverage is something relatively new
> to many South Africans. I probably now what little I do from games
> rather than watching it on TV.
> Nascar fans probably will call me crazy (or worse) when I say that I
> don't have a clue who 90% of the drivers in Nascar 4 are and that the
> first time I heard about Richard Petty was when he endorsed a game for
> the commodore 64. I've heard vaguely of Kyle Petty (probably via
> Nascar 2 or 3) and only recently heard that Adam Petty was killed. I
> don't mean to offend anyone, but we really don't get much exposure to
> Nascar on our local TV stations.
> Sorry to go so far off-topic and anybody wanting to argue it further
> can mail me instead.
> And finally, sorry if my original post p'd off some folks. Wasn't
> intentional, honest!