Nascar 4 movie released!

Goy Larse

Nascar 4 movie released!

by Goy Larse » Fri, 12 May 2000 04:00:00

> Now we're getting seriously offtopic :) I don't know what Eltele is,
> Runit is managing our computers and networks and I think they are
> pretty directly connected to Uninett who should have enough bandwidth.

Naa, since I sometimes play games from the shop here, sorting out what
ISP's to use is not OT :-)

Stay clear of Eltele, it's cheap and you get what you pay for, .5 mbit
line that's down a lot, and their connection across the Atlantic sucks
even more...what more can you ask for

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"Team Mirage"
"The Pits"

* Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *

Steve Garrot

Nascar 4 movie released!

by Steve Garrot » Fri, 12 May 2000 04:00:00

Yes, I noticed the cars actually look like they are on the track, not
near the track. The movie looked as if I was watching TNN on Sunday. I
was very impressed. Wonder what CPU/Video will be needed to get good
FPS. I also hope it is an improvement on the Nascar 1 (2,3) sim that
has just had graphics rehashed for the last few years. Makes me wonder
what they could do with a IndyCar/Cart Racing 3. Too bad.

(Steve, who likes to turn more than left, but does not knock what
other like!)

>Finally, a bit more discussion of the movie itself, instead of
>endlessly comparing download times like they were fast laps :-)

>I think it looks superb.  The dynamic shadows are quite nice, and the
>cars look real, with just the right amount of shine.  I'm surprised
>there was no smoke... hope that doesn't mean it's a performance killer
>at the moment, but then again the final release is many months away.
>The one thing I really like is the angle of the cars in the corners...
>hard to describe, but it just looks right when compared to real NASCAR
>racers slipping (not sliding) around the corners.  I'm not a NASCAR
>fan, but I am looking forward to this one.


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