Well, I can only say that the email addresses wil be used solely for
identification purposes. RaceServer.net is not affiliated with any
entity outside of itself, and no communications (even concerning
RaceServer) will be made to registered drivers, and email adfdresses
will not be available to anyone, even N4 server owners.
You guys want a better (and free) system that offers better racing, but
you're unwilling to comprimise. If I don't do what I have planned, then
RaceServer.net won't be any better of a racing environment than
If you want to exclude yourself, I guess that's okay with me, but when
it's ready, I'm going to register (yes, even I will have to register).
> I like everything you have stated John *but* [yep there's a but] I'm not
> happy with sending my personal email address out as if I get spammed
> by a bunch of hungry -a-hole advertizers I suffer not the server!! I am
> apart of a really nice group now and we all use either hotmail or yahoo.
> Once you learn about each other then email addys do not make much
> of a diff' anyway!! jmho.. Thom_j.
> | I'm working on a solution for this. DeMONS/2 is a N4 Server manager
> | that will eventually provide the same types of matching services as WON.
> | Registration will be required, and some of the more stringent
> | requirements will be:
> |
> | 1) You must provide a working email address for access
> |
> | 2) Free email domains like Hotmail, Yahoo, etc will be rejected
> |
> | 3) The central muzzle list will be controlled by email address
> |
> | 4) Only one user ID will be allowed for each email address
> |
> | 5) Periodic checks willbe mad to ensure that the user ID and email
> | still match.
> |
> | I'm hoping that this will help reduce/eliminate the wreckers. Of
> | course, it will only work if the servers aren't registered on WON, but
> | hey, we've already established that WON is not the best environment
> | anyway, so I see that as no great loss.
> |
> |
> |
> | The ejection from a server lasts until the server is taken down and
> | brought back up again. As long as it stays up cycling through races,
> | the ejection is in force. You can always add the offending User ID to
> | your muzzle list before bringing the server back up again.
> <snipped for space>
Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 (in development)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (460+ cars and counting)
If you want to send me email, go to the first URL shown
above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.