Any 400MHz should be OK. I'm using a K62-400 with an 8M Hercules Thriller and can
get 36fps at 800X600 virtually all the time with almost all detail and 19 cars.
Its a little slower at 1024, so I don't use that resolution. These numbers are for
off-line racing. I go to 640X480 and "many" instead of "all" for on-line, but
haven't had much luck staying connected. I understand a SoundBlaster Live Value
can allow you to play with lots of sounds, too. I run 4 or 5 sounds with my Awe
for what it's worth,
> Hello!
> I'm about to get a new computer sometime this month. I was wondering what
> would be a good system that would run GPL? I have a 200MHz, 64 meg ram, and a
> Screamin 3d video card right now. As you can tell, this is not even good to
> race at the Ring in full detail :-)
> I would like to race with 19 cars, some detail, and obviously a fast frame
> rate. A P 400 is looking good for me (budget wise).
> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!
> Ed