Hows about this theory for GP3....


Hows about this theory for GP3....

by pez » Tue, 14 Mar 2000 04:00:00

OK, so maybe its a little 'conspiratorial', but hows about this as a reason
for omitting proper black flags, 3d pit crews, safety cars etc......Because
the phys is so good there is very little reason to buy the 99 version, the
2000 version etc as the cars have changed little and there are only a few
extra tracks being introduced, there is very little incentive to buy gp4, 5
6 or 7.  People will want the more acurate features of the later titles that
have maybe been purposefully ommited from GP3 at Hasbros request.........



Hows about this theory for GP3....

by Ace » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I think thats a perfectly logical explanation. It's not as if Geoff is going
to stop after GP3, theyv'e already said that they'll take a short break and
then go staright on to work on GP4. He and Hasbro are well aware that they
can keep churning out the games and people will keep buying 'em, So why
bother putting in too many features now?

>OK, so maybe its a little 'conspiratorial', but hows about this as a reason
>for omitting proper black flags, 3d pit crews, safety cars etc......Because
>the phys is so good there is very little reason to buy the 99 version, the
>2000 version etc as the cars have changed little and there are only a few
>extra tracks being introduced, there is very little incentive to buy gp4, 5
>6 or 7.  People will want the more acurate features of the later titles
>have maybe been purposefully ommited from GP3 at Hasbros request.........

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