I've just downloaded Codemasters demo of their new racing sim TOCA Touring
Car Championship from http://www.racesimcentral.net/'s stunning. It's
about time someone did a non-rally based European-style tin-top sim and
they've excelled themselves. The realism is exceptional, especially with
the animated driver's hands. The sound is ultra realistic and there is
great attention to detail eg. the demo is of Donnington Park and you can
see planes coming in to land at East Midlands Airport nearby, plus
reflections of the car's lights on the track when it's wet. Another nice
touch is the the way the other cars make errors and spin off (at least they
do in easy mode) - too many driving sims have perfect oppenents which isn't
On the negative side though, the demo suffers quite a bit from poor frame
rate in high resolution mode, even with detail turned down (I run a
P200,32Mb,3DFX). Having said that, it still looks great in lo-res. Another
thing, I don't know if it's just my setup but I can't keep the ***y car
in a straight line - it seems that the joystick loses it's X-axis null-zone
and leaves you constantly correcting and weaving down the straights - I
have two (new) joysticks, both by Logitech and they both do it. I've never
had this problem before - does anyone else out there have the same
difficulty ? I'm contacting Codemasters for advice.
Based on the demo, I'd give it 8/10.