Thanks for your thoughts on this. I think that as a reviewer, my
opinion about what I like and dislike is subordinate to providing as
much objective information about what's really in the product so a
buyer can make an informed purchase. You might agree or disagree with
me on what's to like and not like. In fact some people might even go
out and get a game I hated because after having read the things I
hated they figured those were things they LIKED! So either way my
review helped.
My reviews are deliberately long and detailed because I figure that
your *** dollar is important and the more information you have
about the game, the better off you'll be when it comes to choosing it.
My goal is NOT to have everyone run out and buy a game because I LIKED
it, but because they read enough information about it's content and
features and how well they were implemented to know whether its
something they would want to have.
I am happy with my work from the standpoint that much of the feedback
I get indicates that people ARE finding out what they want to know
about the product, whether their priorities are the same as mine or
>It's a balancing act. TOCA & TOCA 2 are games, they are not out and out
>simulators nor are they arcade racers. They hopefully fit somewhere in the
>middle and so therefore cover a wider spectrum of the consumer base.
>Randy has judged the game from a simulation point of view, which is his
>right. He makes a lot of valid comments which the more simulator orientated
>racers out there agree with. The out and out arcade racer would probably
>comment that the game is too much of a simulation, which would be his point
>of view.
>You can't please everybody all of the time, but you can please some of the
>people some of the time.
>> >"The user must feel at one with the car he's driving, and it must
>> >respond in a way he would expect the real car to,
>> ...which TOCA didn't. Complete lack of understeer will do that to
>> you.
>> >otherwise he'll blame the game for his driving mistakes and feel
>> I want to be punished for my driving mistakes, by the car doing what a
>> real car does....If I go into a corner too fast and try to turn the
>> wheel more, the tires are going to scream in protest and the car is
>> going to push towards the outside. I'll end up going off the track.
>> What I won't do is spin.
>> >Was this the case with the two popular Touring Car Sims? "Yes. For
>> >TOCA and especially TOCA2, we tweaked certain areas of the game to make
>> >it more involving. For example, although the cars are all
>> >front-wheel-drive in TOCA2, we moved the weight balance of all the TOCA
>> >cars back about one to two feet. This simple change makes the cars
>> >handle ever-so-slightly more like mid-engined cars, and makes them a
>> >lot less frustrating and a lot less dull to drive."
>> I understand the points he's making and to a certain degree I agree
>> with them. Unfortunately I still believe my points stand.
>> Randy
>> Randy Magruder
Randy Magruder