online patch at WON problems


online patch at WON problems

by LoudMou » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

Well, i recently downloaded the new patch to race N3 at WON and now
i'm experiencing many problems.  I cannot exit out of a race back to
the arena, that is if i get connected to the race at all.  I cannot
chat in the arena chat rooms.  And it gives me time out errors and
can't find authenticating servers when i try to connect to the arenas,
but if i click ok on the errors and try to reconnect it works.  Is
anyone else having these problems???  It doesn't lock up the computer
just the game.  HELP!!!


Dave Henri

online patch at WON problems

by Dave Henri » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

  I had a couple of errors the first few times I ran the latest patch.
the "can't find the servers error."  the game would then ask to search
for other servers and connect right up.  I assume to the very same WON
servers it couldn't find.  As far as not being able to join a chat.  Try
this...leave the arena and join another.  If that still doesn't work,
leave mulitplayer and re-connect.  I have seen this issue but it hasn't
been a big problem...
  One last question...did you make sure you got the N3 patch and not the
Nascar Legends(which has the same version #) or the Nascar Trucks beta
dave henrie

> Well, i recently downloaded the new patch to race N3 at WON and now
> i'm experiencing many problems.  I cannot exit out of a race back to
> the arena, that is if i get connected to the race at all.  I cannot
> chat in the arena chat rooms.  And it gives me time out errors and
> can't find authenticating servers when i try to connect to the arenas,
> but if i click ok on the errors and try to reconnect it works.  Is
> anyone else having these problems???  It doesn't lock up the computer
> just the game.  HELP!!!

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