Thanks for the fast reply but there is something that you are not
understanding here. This problems isn't bumbs out of the racing groove
that will make the car wobble a bit and becone unstable untill you
gather it back up, this is something that tossed my car, from the
groove 20 feet straight up into the air at speed. Not something that
just made it wiggle. I full understand that practice makes perfect but
you cannot practice recovering from being flipped 20 feet up in the
air from something that cannot be seen
On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 13:49:58 +1100, "Ben Coleman"
>I think there are a few bumps on the track in I can think of is
>coming out of Parabolica at Monza, if you drift wide on exit there is a bump
>on the start of the straight. Not many on the racing line though, so stick
>to it. After a while the bumps don't throw you off the track, your reflexes
>will keep you on the straight and narrow. As has been written here so many
>times before, practice makes perfect (or in my case, not as far from perfect
>as before).
>>A few days ago I posted about something invisible being in the tracks
>>at GLP. I drove very slowly around the tracks and could find a
>>repeatable spot (several) in each track where the front and rear
>>suspention would 'bump' over something in the track. Now it has gone
>>even farther, this time it tossed my car up off the track and fliped
>>end over end several times. I really like the feel (when it isn't
>>hitting things and I think I can get into raceing GLP ifI can get this
>>solved. I have a replay of this happening if you don't beleive me. I
>>would really like to figure out what is going on as I think I can be
>>good at this but I have yet to have a fair shake at racing...
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