and flight) that will be sold on a local level. I would appreciate some
"hard" information on what components to use and why. The specific
categories of information needed are:
1. Motherboard (Reliable)
2. CPU (Which is purely faster on sim/graphics and which is more
compatable with all titles) I currently have a P3-600 w/256mb RAM in
3. 3Dfx card/cards and configuration (I'm imagining a 2d AGP card with
one (maybe two) 3Dfx card/s.)
4. Sound card (Should be recognized by most games and be usable in, etc.
5. Game card - I need to be able to keep a wheel assembly and a joystick
/throttle assembly plugged in.
6. Force Feedback controllers. (Specific wheels and joysticks would be
selected by customer, but which ones are best (feel vs. usability))
7. Anything else I need to know.
Thanks again.
Jim Blevins