online play, thru Won? With so many carsets available from leagues,
websites, or wherever, it's impossible for anyone to have all the cars
available in their lists, on everyone else's harddrive. I belong to a
league, with it's own carset, so that we can all tell who we're racing
against, and I have friends cars in other player lists for general online
play, but when I join open races, I often see people ***ing about "#143
you <expletive><expletive><expletive>, learn to drive!", yet I won't see a
#143 in the list of drivers.When chatting, is it better to use people's
names, when you want to hurl expletives their way? And, since we only have
car #'s to go by when we're on the track, and often 2 drivers with the same
number, how can you be sure to be cursing the right fella? Or, gal? And
before you think I'm a cursing lunatic, berating all around me, I'm not
usually the one flaming folks, I just chalk things up to racing, but I just
want to be sure, that when someone else types "#143, you blithering idiot"
they are not addressing me, when it's possible that I may have been *close*
to the incident in question.
And if this topic has been beat to death previously, please accept my
apologies for dragging it out again.
Ed White Go Rusty and Dale, and Dale, and Dale!