If someone right-clicks the session that he or she wants to join, it will
show which aids will be available in that race. Maybe that will stop some
people from joining the session if they want to use aids or vice versa.
>>I noticed a "trend" going on. Most people setup races with all the
>>"helps" turned on. I really hate that. I'm used to racing MGP2 offline
>>with no help on and other racing sims too (Nascar 2, GPL). I don't
>>really mind. So that's why I setup my races with no "helps" available.
>>People join, but as soon as they notice the realism is set to higher
>>levels, they bail. I end up racing alone. What a bunch of wuss!
>Try naming the game "No Aids" or something like that. That way people that
>like to use aids won't join.