strong FF, but it's steering resolution was lousy to the point it affected
driving. About 100 points of resolution on the steering axis (0-4096 in steps
of 40) made the in-game wheel move it small jumps. The wheel would have to be
turned about 3 degrees to get something to register on screen, and then the
in-game wheel would make a sudden jump. Tried all manner of drivers, tweaks,
serial and USB connections, and OS's, always the same result.
My wheel was purchased in Sept 01, just after they came out with the 2.2
cartridge. Found a 2.1 cartridge on ebay recently, and what a difference it
made! It now gives 1024 points of resolution on the wheel axis. The steering
in game is very smooth with no jumps, and it reacts to even the smallest
movement of the wheel. Now this is a wheel worthy of some praise!
AFAIK all the cartridges since about July 2001 have been the 2.2 version. If
you see a review or get a recommendation from someone, check the date on when
they got the wheel, odds are it was before July 01. If you are thinking about
buying this wheel or upgrading to a USB cartridge ask them what version
cartridge and about the steering axis resolution before you buy. And don't buy
the "it's functionally the same as the other cartridges" line, while is does the
same job, it doesn't do it nearly as well.
Don't know why they changed the cartridge design, but hopefully they can bring
back the 2.1 cartridges again, or at least something that performs as well.