I understand your point below Peter [no matter how obtuse they]
Seriously tho'.. I've been running Gpl since it hit the shelves & everytime
I fire'up GPL I find something new or something I never realized before!
As matter of fact this is what I see in my daily life constantly..
Point.? Yes I need to strive for a more "aggressive attitude aka style" of
driving within Gpl or any sim! Sometimes, it does get hard [especially at
the ring] to maintain a screaming drive attitude with the many things I do
when I must use my hands for everything but it is no' excuse as Woeger
and yourself can do it with a joystick. So I should be able to race faster
with my hands via my Ferrari FF wheel!
Bottom line: The way I see my replays, I see bad habits I must correct
and get on the gas more whether I 'Crash' or not! [as you state] So I'll
just keep going at it until I do break' the 8:30 mark & I'll have another
accomplishment aka goal I have achieved!
This NG helps me to push harder & I like it!! Eldred doesnt know this
but he started me back into GPL and GPLRank fever! I do not know
whether to thank him or have my local mobsters "whack" him..hahaha
Always sleep with one eye open from now on E.. :-)
Anyway I read everything hear & try to beat my own times! Its a part
of the "beast" within me!!... :-) Cheers Thom_j.
P.S. God only knows how you & Wolf get these times via a joytsick
but I'll address this in my re: to you via email.. :-)
| Mmm, difficult that one. Use the force Thom. :)
| Seriously, look/listen for cues. It's the only way. Oh yeah, and try
| things to see what you can get away with. Push the car to its limits.
| One advantage we have with simming is the fact we can crash as many
| times as we like and then just try again.
| One day you'll say to yourself, 'Blimey, I never noticed that before.
| That'll come in handy.' Or, 'Didn't know I could do that. Very
| useful.' I still notice things about this game that I hadn't picked up
| on before, even though I've been playing it for 2 years. It's more
| evolution instead of revolution.
| Gee, just read that lot back and it reads like a lot of words that don't
| really say that much, but I don't know how else to put it. :)
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