Actually, MGPRS2 is the latest version. They ~do~ look an awful lot
alike at the default resolution. RS2 has higher res options (at least
with Voodoo...dunno about other cards). There is 'classic' version
included with RS2 which lets you drive old style cars BUT this is not
the same as GPL. It is more like a 'bonus' arcadish game (IMHO). No real
driver names in RS2 but that is easily changed with editors or DL's.
EB online has been selling MGPRS2 for around US $20.
> Also, is MGPR2 and F1RS the same thing, just different names? (Sorta like
> Papy's ICR2/CART)
I do not recall if you can change the car setup in the demo, but the
reason is probably a very short first and second gear. There are
setups available on the net which have a much longer first gear
reducing acceleration somewhat, but generally make the car easier
to drive because of less wheelspin.
Uwe Schuerkamp, Telemedia ////////////// Phone: +49 5241 80 10 66
Carl-Bertelsmann-Str. 161 I \\\\\\\\\\ uwe.schuerkamp at
33311 Guetersloh \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
PGP Fingerprint: 2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F 67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61