using DirectX 6), I have a question about backmarker behavior.
*By far* the biggest problem I have had with F1RS is that there are no
blue flags for the *backmarkers*. They always race you as if you are
both going for the Driver's Championship! Once you have caught them,
you have to fight to overtake them just as hard as the frontrunners.
So, I have not been able to tell from Rick Devente's description on of his experience with the beta, or from any
postings about the demo, if this aspect of the AI has been
implemented. Yes, I know that there will be blue flags for *us*, but
do the AI cars also observe them? If yes, hooray...this is another
step towards realism.
Also, it would be great if UbiSoft also implemented a "teammate"
aspect to the AI, so that your teammate might let you by more easily
if you're overtaking him. But, I'd settle for the blue flag item
Dave Mack
(remove "nospamfor_" for correspondence)