higher. If you've got benchmarks on P300's for the TNT2 and Voodoo3,
>> It depends.
>> I almost went with the well hyped TNT2, but decided to go with the
>> unfashionable non-boastworthy v3 3000 because, although it doesn't do
>> colour and large textures, it is more suited to what I play - GPL and
>Unfashionable? Heh, ok..you are going a bit out there on a limb with that
>one. And the Voodoo3 series was way more hyped than the TNT2s. Heck, I
>dont recall ever seeing any NVidia commercials on tv, but tons of (in some
>cases rather good) Voodoo3 commercials from 3dfx.
>SCGT runs better in D3D anyways. :)
>> There are folks out there who claim to get better performance from their
>> than their TNT2 in SCGT (ouch), and GPL supports Glide natively.
>Whats wrong with that claim? Its fact. A TNT2 outperforms a SINGLE Voodoo2
>in every game I've tried it on (except some older ones that are Glide only
>from the days when 3D acceleration was just emerging). It outperforms my
>Voodoo2 SLI (Diamond 12 meg cards) in every game too.
>GPL supports: Software, Rendition, Glide AND OpenGL
>SCGT supports: D3D and Glide
>Use the appropriate rasterizer for each game, for your card, that gives you
>the best performance, etc. And btw, GPL doesn't natively support anything.
>All the rasterizers, including yes the OpenGL, are contained in seperate
>dlls (dynamic link libraries) which basically translate the internal GPL
>engine calls into the appropriate calls for that particular 3D API.
>> Also, from
>> what I've read (and I have to admit it's not a whole hell of a lot) it
>> that V3 3000 generally outshines TNT2 in benchmarking tests. So, do you
>> features for what you -might- play tomorrow or performance for what
>you -do-
>> play today? If it's the former, you should probably go for the new
>> if it's the latter then given you've posted to RAS, I'd recommend the V3.
>Outshines? ROTFL. Right, give me all these links and benchmarking reviews.
>And right now I do use the features of the TNT2 with Q3A. I'll use them
>with Rally Championship (even better if it was a G400Max), other games such
>as Expendable will use advanced features.
>And btw, the new Matrox G400 and G400MAX still has some driver issues
>especially in the realm of OpenGL so would be a bad choice if you really
>like playing GPL (and dont have 1 or 2 Voodoo2 cards handy). If all you
>care about is GPL and nothing else, then Voodoo3 is definetly the way to go.
>But nonetheless here is a variety of links on the subject to enlighten those
>who wish to know, and to enlighten those that obviously dont know. There
>are even more links to different reviews, as everyone has their own tilt, so
>I can't list them all.
>Its Quake3, but its the biggest test I know of different hardware (of course
>with Tom's bias).
>most notably this link
>Darn, so much for the notion, according to Tom, that the Voodoo3 outshines
>TNT2 cards.
>Rest of the links
>P.S. Oh yeah, the lame matra of "features for what you -might- play
>tomorrow" is recycled over and over again. A couple of recent examples are
>a) the introduction to the mainstream of the 3D hardware accelerator.
>People didnt think you'd need or want it or it was too expensive, so there
>were naysayers. b) forcefeedback. Gee, how many folks just went out and
>bought new FF wheels because of GPL1.1? Mms. Of course there are always
>things like 3D glasses that just have either never worked, never worked well
>enough or just generally failed to catch.