Here's a partial list, one that I got some time ago. It's just about
doubled since, but I don't know where the new list is. Hope this
helps. :)
Best Regards,
Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing News
Boy, This year is gonna' be a good one!! :)
For those of you who were curious as to what games
and programs are currently being supported on the
new Rendition 3D cards, here's a rundown:
Indycar Racing II Papyrus <<<<<
Nascar Racing II Papyrus <<<<<
Fatal Racing Gremlin Interactive
Whiplash Gremlin Interactive
Monster Truck Madness Microsoft
Wipeout XL Psygnosis
Formula1 Psygnosis <<<<<
Quake id Software)
Rebel Moon Fenris Wolfe
Descent II Interplay
Actua Soccer Gremlin Interactive
VR Soccer Gremlin Interactive
Fury3 Microsoft
Hellbender Microsoft
Agile Warrior ***
GrandSlam ***
PowerPlay ***
Hyperblade Activision
Montezuma's Return Utopia Technologies
Silent Thunder A-10 Sierra
Flight Unlimited Looking Glass
Terracide EIDOS
Tomb Raiders EIDOS
MIA Time Warner Interactive
Return of the Jedi Lucas Arts
Aeon Flux Viacom New Media
The Divide Viacom New Media
Melt Virtual Studios
Monday Night Football OT Sports
NCAA College Football OT Sports
***speed Mindscape
C.I.N.D.e Above the Garage productions
Realimation STE Datapath
Extreme3D Macromedia
Autodesk 3DStudioMax
Confirmed Kill Domark Software
Flying Nightmares 2 Domark Software
Plus all of the upcoming Direct3D titles, Direct3D VRML
browsers and Direct3D-enabled design applications.