I don't believe APC made a claim here that their UPS outputs
a sine wave. If one says a UPS outputs a sine wave, then a
basic number demonstrates same. A THD number is not difficult
to post. Unfortunately, when it comes to plug-in UPSes, the
web is full of claims from those who have never read
specifications - and from manufacturers that imply one thing
while their specifications say something quite different. All
we require is a basic specification number that says it
actually is a sine wave output. THD would do quite nicely.
The point is not to embarrass you, but to expand upon what
Andy Rossmann said:
>>> Be a bit careful with some UPS's ...
Too many urban myths are promoted when too many half truths
are told by the manufacturer. Is that really a since wave UPS
- or just a better sine wave than their cheaper model?
For example, the APC SmartUPS 700 claims a sine wave
output. But I recall reading elsewhere a THD of something
around 10% on the third harmonic. That's too dirty to be a
sine wave. Why not at least provide some numbers especially
since no UPS outputs a pure sine wave? But they don't.
Instead they encourage wild speculation by only telling half
truths and by hiding the numbers. Is it really a sine wave,
or just the closest to a sine wave in their product line?
> Ask APC, not me :)
> -Larry
> > "True SineWave" is a sales label. However what was the THD
> > number in the specs. Some 'so called' sine wave UPSes are
> > only closer to a sine wave than their other products because
> > it outputs less harmonics - yet still too high to be a sine
> > wave. What were the THD numbers - or did they make that spec
> > hard to find?
> > > Um, All SmartUPS series output True SineWave outputs...
> > > Unless they changed something since I sold these several years ago...
> > > -Larry
> > > > > Be a bit careful with some UPS's if it will be in a bedroom or
> other
> > > > > quiet place. I bought an APC Pro700 a few months ago to replace my
> > > ancient
> > > > > 400.
> > > > OOPS. I just checked my records, and it was a Smart UPS 700NET, not
> > > > a Pro 700.