

by Cane » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Just thought I'd mention that it's 3 days until the PC Gamer with GP3
screenshots is SUPPOSED to hit the shelves.............


by Cane » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

It better be in....there will be hell to pay if it isn't.

We can understand a final game release or review being delayed, but a

If you(PC Gamer) have the screenshots, show 'em, please.

Trevor Murph


by Trevor Murph » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Altogether now......Falcon 4.........

>Just thought I'd mention that it's 3 days until the PC Gamer with GP3
>screenshots is SUPPOSED to hit the shelves.............

Paul Jone


by Paul Jone » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Get ready for all hell to pay,


by Lou » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have the October issue of PC Gamer and haven't seen any GP3 mention.
Dsr#74 :-/

>Altogether now......Falcon 4.........

>>Just thought I'd mention that it's 3 days until the PC Gamer with GP3
>>screenshots is SUPPOSED to hit the shelves.............

James Lon


by James Lon » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Its not in my mag.  Next month perhaps.
Tim Harriso


by Tim Harriso » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Is that the US or UK version of the mag.


>I have the October issue of PC Gamer and haven't seen any GP3 mention.
>Dsr#74 :-/

>>Altogether now......Falcon 4.........

>>>Just thought I'd mention that it's 3 days until the PC Gamer with GP3
>>>screenshots is SUPPOSED to hit the shelves.............

Dave Thaye


by Dave Thaye » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I know My October issue of European PC gamer said that it would now  be in
the November issue. It wont hit our stores till mid October to find out if
it is in that issue.

I dont think anyone has the November issue yet.  If so, let us know if it is
in there.

Dave Thayer

> Is that the US or UK version of the mag.

> Tim

> >I have the October issue of PC Gamer and haven't seen any GP3 mention.
> >Dsr#74 :-/

> >>Altogether now......Falcon 4.........

> >>>Just thought I'd mention that it's 3 days until the PC Gamer with GP3
> >>>screenshots is SUPPOSED to hit the shelves.............

Dave Thayer
Project Manager

< 1K Download
Ian Parke


by Ian Parke » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

It's not in the November issue either :-(

The GPL Monza demo is though and Direct X 6 :-)

BTW the GPL demo appears to handle differently to release, but there
is no release number on the title screen (Which is the same as the top logo
on the Final Box for the UK as seen on Doktor B's site.

Ian P

>Is that the US or UK version of the mag.


>>I have the October issue of PC Gamer and haven't seen any GP3 mention.
>>Dsr#74 :-/

>>>Altogether now......Falcon 4.........

Sean Blac


by Sean Blac » Fri, 25 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I got the November issue yesterday, GP3 is not mentioned anywhere at

There is even an article about Hasbro taking over Microprose and one of
the titles they acquire being GP2 but still no mention at all of GP3.

>I know My October issue of European PC gamer said that it would now  be in
>the November issue. It wont hit our stores till mid October to find out if
>it is in that issue.

>I dont think anyone has the November issue yet.  If so, let us know if it is
>in there.

>Dave Thayer

>> Is that the US or UK version of the mag.

>> Tim

>> >I have the October issue of PC Gamer and haven't seen any GP3 mention.
>> >Dsr#74 :-/

>> >>Altogether now......Falcon 4.........

>> >>>Just thought I'd mention that it's 3 days until the PC Gamer with GP3
>> >>>screenshots is SUPPOSED to hit the shelves.............

>Dave Thayer
>Project Manager

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