Please don't send be to the ng with my question, too
much traffic out there, and the only reason I want a Reactor is for
racing games...
I have DLed the dmadiag program from E. Bush's site, with dos4gw. When
I launch it my computer does a warm boot. I have a Tyan S1469 (430VX
chipset) motherboard, with their latest (to my knowledge) BIOS,
Tyan/Award 3.00. It reboots with a clean boot (F5 pressed), and with
himem.sys loaded (all tests done with plain MSDOS 6.22). The manual
does not say a thing about the version of PCI the motherboard support,
and Tyan does not answer e-mails (must be a secret:).
Any hints? Does a warm boot mean my m/b would not support a Reactor?
Does anyone have a Reactor on the same m/b as I have?
PS: Happy New Year, Bonne Annee and S Novym Godom.
Sincerely, Karim
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